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Writer's picturedevvvonmarie

The Summer Sun & Your Skin

Tanning Myths

1. Tanning is safe as long as you don't burn

Too many people still think that getting a little extra color is okay, as long as they "don’t burn", but anytime skin gets darker, it’s getting damaged.

2. You need a base tan

Plenty of people also think they need to get a base tan to avoid getting a sunburn on vacation, but this is not true. A tan of any kind is evidence of skin damage.

3. Tanning is necessary for VitaminD

There’s no reason to damage the skin, putting oneself at risk for skin cancer as well as accelerated aging, to get vitamin D. Achieving adequate vitamin D levels can be accomplished by getting outside for just 15 min a day.

4. Only UVB rays are harmful

UVB rays are the sun rays that cause your skin to burn and can cause skin cancer to develop. UVA rays however, are the rays that cause aging and photo-damage to the skin. A lot of people think that because tanning beds rely more on UVA rays they’re safer than tanning outdoors, but these rays can actually be more damaging to skin DNA. Especially with prolonged exposure, and that damage could also lead to skin cancer.

5. Most skin cancers are no big deal

Many people have known at least one person who’s had a skin cancer scare, and in many cases, they may have walked away with nothing more than a small scar. It’s important to know just how deadly skin cancer can be. There are more skin cancers diagnosed in one year in the United States than all other cancers combined over a three-year period. This is why it is important to be aware and take the necessary precautions.

Tips to protect your skin

  1. Wear the right SPF - That means wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher, and reapplying it at least every 2 hours.

  2. Wear SPF everyday - UV rays have the power to penetrate windows and clothing. Even just driving in your car for 20 minutes you are getting exposed to UV rays. Most clients I see generally have more sun damage on their left side of their face from not wearing SPF while they drive. Try to get in the habit of applying it every morning to your face and any other skin that may be exposed.

  3. Don't burn - Each time you burn you are increasing your chance of getting skin cancer. Even if your buns "turn into a nice tan" it's not worth it.

  4. Avoid tanning salons - Tanning beds are NOT safer than the sun. There’s no such thing as a safe tanning bed, tanning booth, or sun lamp. Just one indoor tanning session can increase the risk of developing skin cancer

  5. Cover up - The sun is the strongest between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. So make sure to seek shade when you can, and cover up with a hat, and UV-blocking sunglasses.

  6. Get examined - Examine your skin for suspicious spots every month and make sure to see a dermatologist for a skin check at least once a year.

Tanned Skin Without the Damage

When it comes to faking a tan, self tanner has come a long way. To find a tanner that looks the most natural, try to find one as close to your natural skin tone. Always start with a light or medium shade for a subtle glow and increase from there. It's always best to exfoliate before applying, so that the tan settles into the skin nicely and lasts longer. If you make a mistake, try using lemon juice and baking soda on a wet towel and rub in a circular motion until you notice it going away. Hopefully you will achieve the natural looking tan you desire without having to go layout in the sun!

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